Do you know that 45% of all mid-career individuals will have their work lives disrupted or derailed by the needs of aging relatives? 


Be in the know. Join the Circle.
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The aging journey can be challenging...let us be your guide™


Meet Founder Janet Benvenuti

We understand you.  Your parents are aging, work is demanding and children, if you have them, are in their teen years. You're saving for college and retirement, trying to exercise and eat well, knowing that after 40 you don't get a pass on good health. Where do you turn for help when your parents show signs that are concerning? How will you juggle all of the demands on your time?


                    Relax, you've found us. 

Circle of Life Partners is a community of professionals, entrepreneurs, business owners and non-profit organizations that share a common purpose: to support the health and well-being of families and their aging parents.


We deliver Seminars and Keynote Presentations to convey knowledge in engaging and informative ways.


We provide Educational Materials to individuals and families so they may develop a game plan to navigate the aging journey successfully.


And, we donate time and money to Non-Profit Organizations that serve elders and their families.  


Welcome,  Join the Circle